EscapeRuins Wiki

Owner's Dragon Weapons/Specials, Bug Fixes & Live Stats Sig forum post posted on August 18th 2011. View the original post here.

Hey, for some reason I felt the need to fix all the bugs from the last update as well as the annoying buggy objects that were displayed, so it is now that I will start working properly on the slayer tower! Because I was planning to do the first floor after I finished what I have stated below, but then I decided to spend time fixing bugs and changing the models IDs.

Weapon Specials

Made sure all weapon specials work properly for the following dragon weapons (the ones in bold were updated/changed a lot):

Dagger, Mace, Longsword, Scimitar, Spear, Battleaxe & Claws.

Dragon Scimitar: Now prevents players (only) from casting the 3 combat protection prayers for 5 seconds. If they are already active, it will deactivate them of course.

Dragon Spear: Now pushes monsters/players back if you're in an area where collision detection has been implemented, otherwise it won't in case the opponent gets pushed into a wall or something. Regardless of your location, it will always stun your opponent for 3 seconds, preventing them from eating, moving, equipping, dropping etc!

Dragon Battleaxe: Now properly reduces stats and adds the correct amount to your strength, the added value depebds partly on your attack, defence, range and magic level.


The retribution prayer now won't hit through solid walls etc. The GFX is now rises from the ground unlike from your waist height before. Also, if you kill another player who has retribution on with your retribution hit, there's will be deactivated, disallowing a knock-on effect to occur.


Catherby range building door finally opened, sorry took me a while to add a 10 second thing.


Name Location
Monkey's Weapon Store South Varrock 
Monkey's weapon store

Monkey's Weapon Store: Sells dragon scimitars and battleaxes.

Monsters & Drops

All crawling hands now drop coloured gloves - grey, red, yellow, teal and purple.

Items (which are now available through normal play)

Name Inventory
Gloves (grey) Gloves (grey)
Gloves (red) Gloves (red)
Gloves (yellow) Gloves (yellow)
Gloves (teal) Gloves (teal)
Gloves (purple) Gloves (purple)
Dragon Scimitar Dragon scimitar
Dragon Battleaxe Dragon battleaxe

Skill Interface

Included spiny helmet in "Melee Guide".


Metal gloves (bronze, mithril et) now have their metal type in the title - "Bronze gloves". Also removed rune gloves and boots from the standard armour store, it's still there in the store with initial stock 0, there will both be dropped by Nechryaels on the top floor of the Slayer Tower.

When items are being equiped, the method used to check the level requirements have been optimized a bit.

It was possible for NPCs to walk through 1 side of a chair in the building where the Varrock General Store is, this collision error has been fixed.

Updated the help guide with the recent updates.

Client & Cache

Fixed weird object bug by simply changing the model IDs - so all new items (inferno adze etc) are still remaining in the server!

You can now open up links by clicking on the line in the chat box - better than typing "::site" etc.
